By taking oral medication.
Malaria is a disease caused by mosquito bites
There is no vaccination for malaria, eating fresh veggies won’t get hell since there is no specific diet for it, and inhaler can’t do much then help you breath.
Oral medication is the best and only option to treat malaria.
Disabled individuals receive more discrimation because they are deemed to be less able to do basic tasks. People who hold prejudices and are judgemental allow a barrier to build around disabled people, because they associate them with a lack of mental ability. In this sense, disabled people are almost inferior in their surroundings because they are open to labels.
Furthermore, some are unwilling to hold faith in disabled people because they believe that they are incapable of understanding their environment the same as non - disabled people. Unfortunately, some have the notion that the dis abled are weak and eccentric, which is a driving force for stereotypes and mockery.
I would say narcissism. domestic abuses typically have narcissistic qualities
OK so if you mean that it will not pollute the air then yes this is true.