First, we can convert both of them to improper fractions.
We do that by multiplying the denominator to the whole number, adding it to the numerator, and keeping the denominator.
2 5/3 - 2 3/2
So we have:
11/3 - 7/2
Convert both of them to denominators of 6:
22/6 - 21/6
Subtract the numerators and keep the denominators:
All the answers are on the image attached. there is no work cause i did mental math. the answer to the riddle is typed in yellow at the bottom of the picture
12 * 100 = 1200/96 = 12.5
Answer = 12.5%
You mulitply 12 by a hunndred, since a percent means "out of a hundred." Then, you divide that, by 96, since, you want to find the percent out of 96.
Step-by-step explanation: