Alternative energy sources are those that do not deplete natural resources and do not harm the environment.
Options A, B, and C are all fossil fuels, which we know can be depleted and harm the environment.
The only valid option here is D, Geothermal energy.
Geothermal energy is both renewable and environmentally friendly.
Ligaments connect one bone to another bone. Therefore, they allow a joint to form, because joints are where two or more bones connect.
Take your knee joint for instance (***see attached pic***). The knee joint is formed by the connection of the femur (your thigh bone), the tibia (your shin bone), and the fibula (the other long bone in your lower leg). In order for all of these bones to connect there are many ligaments in the knee joint that keep the bones connected and in place. A well known example of one of these ligaments in the knee joint is the ACL (anterior crucate ligament), which is commonly torn in sports, namely football. Most people have heard of this ligament because it receives a lot of media attention since tearing it can greatly alter or even end professional athletes' careers.
I believe once the vesicle has budded from the golgi body the clathrin coat is lost. During budding the membranes and proteins are moved around the cell in small vesicles. A protein coat aids the budding of these vesicles from donor membranes, The major type of coat used by the cell is comprised of clathrin; a three legged protein that can form lattice-like coats on membranes destined for trafficking.
Antibiotics in their name say they kill living things viruses are not living things. (Meme this as you may.)