diffusion is the movement of molecules or stuff through the cell membrane
osmosis is the movement of water
water move from high contration to lower concentration
the there is salt outside of the cells the water will move out of the cell membrane and if there is salt inside the cells the water will move into the cell
During transcription, the new mRNA is created from a single strand of a DNA template. As it elongates, it then peels away from template.
Drinking water shortages? Water across the world isn't purified which without purification doesn't quench thirst.
It would collapse
Garlic mustard also produces root exudates that inhibit the growth of important soil fungi and leaf chemicals that kill native butterfly larvae that feed on the plant
In addition, invertebrates and other consumers that rely on these natural plant species for food are harmed by the spread of this invasive "weed". Garlic mustard also produces root exudates that inhibit the growth of important soil fungi and leaf chemicals that kill native butterfly larvae that feed on the plan
its the spinal cord and the brain