I think the answer is yes
Give yourself a four second or me more cushion of space in front of your vehicle when following large vehicles that block your view of the road ahead.
- In order to ensure safety from the vehicles coming from the other side of the road when the road in front of you is blocked by an object bigger than your vehicle, it is advised that a space of at least four seconds is left between your vehicle and the vehicle ahead of you (both moving at an almost constant speed).
- This cushion of space between your vehicle and the other vehicle provides for space for safe skidding in case of emergency braking if required.
Hunter-gathers has better life because they relies on our natural environment on hunting,fishing and foraging for wild vegetation and other nutrients like honey for food . Which is why they are strong and healthy.
South Carolina
Columbia, city, capital of South Carolina, U.S., and seat (1799) of Richland county.
Market culture
In market culture an organization competes against their competitors but also encourages competition among the employees. Market culture is the most aggressive corporate culture.
Even if the goals are reached the employees are pushed till their limits. They are rewarded when they reach their goals but punished if they do not reach their goals. Maximum possible profit is desired in market culture.
Hence, Wave Pools has a market culture