Third parties generally serve only to take votes from one of the main parties. Third parties generally serve only to take votes from one of the main parties. If the third party has a candidate promising similar things to the Rep. candidate, the Democrats are more likely to win simply because their votes are not being siphoned off. Think of it this way: if a school class were to vote on favorite colors and there were only blue and red to choose from, it would probably be mostly equal. But if the same class were to vote for blue, teal, and red, I would be willing to bet that red would win just because its votes weren't being split like the blue votes were. Teal is the third party. It won't ever win on its own, but it can be influential in that it can help the opposite party win.
The most likely reason for any person turning down a full-time job is money.
It is more likely than not that Burger Hut was unable to provide compensation for Debra's services at a rate that a. Debra felt appropriate or b. Debra felt was necessary to make accepting the job worthwhile.
For instance, if Debra lived far away from the Burger Hut than any job would need to pay enough to partially cover the cost of her commute in addition to living and (hopefully) saving money.
The adjective that describes someone at work is letter b, ambitious. It is because in doing your job, it is always vital to think that a person should work hard in order to complete tasks and achieve their goals. Being ambitious is where a person shows a strong desire for something or someone who most likely want to succeed. These is the best adjective to describe a person who is working.
Believing that others are right is
to private acceptance and as conforming without believing is to public
compliance. Public compliance involves a change in behavior including the
public expression of opinions that is not accompanied by an actual change in
one’s private opinion. Thus, compliance represents what people do or say in
public, even though they believe something different in private. A driver might
follow the speed limit or wear a tie which is a behavior to conform to social
norms even though we may not necessarily believe that it is appropriate to do
so which is opinion. However, behaviors that are formerly executed out of a
desire to be accepted which is normative conformity may frequently produce
changes in beliefs to match them and the result becomes private acceptance
which is for instance a child who begins smoking to please his friends but soon
convinces himself that it is the right thing to do or a prisoner of war who
eventually accepts the political beliefs of his captor.