C.recession is the right anssweer
SNCC members played an integral role in site-ins, Freedom Rites, the 1963 March on Washington, and such voter education projects as the Mississippi Freedom Summer
Kennedy played a role in revolutionizing American politics. Television began to have a real impact on voters and long, drawn-out election campaigns became the norm, and style became an essential complement to substance.
This is a big impact since it started the change that makes tv what it is today and changed polotics forever.
they need workers i guess
Transportation and telecommunications
The organization of the transportation network is of crucial importance to Congo, a country of continental dimensions, rich economic resources, and limited maritime access. Congo’s generally poor transportation infrastructure is a major factor in its economic underdevelopment, a situation exacerbated by years of civil conflict. The Congo River and its tributaries, historically a chief means of transportation in the country, serve as the main transport arteries. These rivers are supplemented by rail, road, and both private and public air services.