Magnetic compass, caravel, astrolabe, sextant, and Mercator’s projection to make it possible for the exploration to happen
Answer, Explanation:
"The American and French revolution influenced Latin American independence by showing them that it is possible to gain independence. Also the American and French revolutions showed nationalism because both countries were fighting for the best of their country. So nationalism eventually influenced Latin American leaders to stand up for their country. An example of a leader is Simon bolivar who was fighting for Latin American independence against Spain and eventually got it."
Antebellum New Orleans was to the interstate slave trade what H2O is to life: the key to it all. “More enslaved people from the Upper South moved through the city's slave pens en route to the region's cane and cotton fields than were brought to the entirety of North America during the Atlantic slave trade.”
A, B, A, C
I already knew what these words meant, but if you had to guess simply choose the answer that is totally the opposite from the other answers. for example, for question 2, nauseating and boring are both similar kind of answers, both negative words so i would guess B, impressive. Also depends on the context of course, and the paragraph you were looking at seemed pretty positive
I would prob go with housing