(credit to google) By the time of the Middle Ages, the Church had an established hierarchy: Pope – the head of the Church. Cardinals – advisors to the Pope; administrators of the Church. Bishops/Archbishops – ecclesiastical superiors over a cathedral or region
I believe the answer is keynesian economists
Keynesians' view was heavily influenced by John Maynard Keynes, which advocated many forms of Government intervention in order to achieve full employment in society.
Things such as welfare, taxation increase,and housing assistance, are examples of Government intervention to allocate wealth from the rich to the poor
A bureaucracy
ie) the civil service exams in China during period 2 or 3
The judiciary is regarded as the nation's moral conscience in democracy. People anticipate that an independent judiciary should tell truth the people about the political power instead of being influenced by it. The political history of Nepal shows centralisation of power, first in the hands of Rana rulers, and then the Shah kings. The political changes of 1990 led to the substantial reform in the judicial system. The Constitution of the Kingdom of Nepal, 1990, for the first time, guaranteed the independence of the judiciary.
obedience and punishment driven
Obedience and punishment driven is one of the Kohlberg's six stages of Kohlberg's theory of moral reasoning. in this stage, the person involved focus on the direct consequences of their actions on themselves. That is, an action is wrong if there are consequences (like punishment) associated with the action. This is the reason why Austin could not hit his sister, because, hitting her would result in his mom spanking him. The spanking would serve as a punishment for hitting his sister. Therefore, this is typical of obedience and punishment. If Austin did not hit his sister, he wont be spanked, but if he did, he would be spanked