An Asexual reproduction means that the parent organism will simply split into two child organisms, and that there will be no mixing of the DNA, as it is the case in case of the sexual reproduction which mixes up the DNA. Therefore the child and the parent organism will contain exactly the same genetic material
is important to the transmission of nerve impulses.
a) Zinc
b) Calcium
c) Sodium
d) Iron

allele I believe
hope this helps and stay safe! :)
Is a permanent alteration in the DNA sequence that makes up a gene.
Fractures are common injury during childhood with 8 to 12 percent. For toddlers like of a 3 years old femur fractures usually comes from a low energy fall. The doctor after an x-ray puts the affected leg in a Spica cast. In order to obtain history of what happened prior and during the injury, it would be better to ask the parents first especially if they are present during the incident. Afterwards, if they are not present those who witnessed the incident can be asked like if a teacher was present she can attest to what really happened.