Was this for a different problem that you were trying to solve?
Endocrine System
1.hyperkalemia-high level of potassium in the blood hyper-excessive kal/i-potassium -emia: blood condition
2. hyponatremia-low level of sodium in the blood hypo-insufficient natr/o-sodium -emia: blood condition
3. hypopituitarism-hyposecretion of one or more pituitary gland hormone hypo-insufficient pituitary/o-pituitary gland -ism: state of
4. polyuria-condition of producing an excessive amount of urine poly-many -uria: urine condition
5. polydipsia- excessive feeling of thirst poly-many -dipsia: thirst
Lymphatic System
6. lymphatic-pertaining to the lymph lymph/o-lymph -atic: pertaining to
7. splenomegaly- an enlarged spleen splen/o-spleen -megaly: enlarged
8. adenoiditis-inflammation of the adenoids adenoid/o-adenoids -itis: inflammation
9. thymoma-a tumor of the thymus glands thym/o-thymus gland -oma: tumor
10. tonsillitis-inflammation of the tonsils tonsil/o-tonsils -itis: inflammation
Muscular endurance analyses include energy to some extent. If you have very weak top figure tissues, you’re going to have a tough period exerting yourself up. Hence you may only be ready to do a couple of push ups before everything crumbles out.
To improve muscular endurance you must repeatedly work and contract the muscle groups you aim to develop. Circuit training involves body weight exercise such as sit-ups, press-ups, and squat thrusts.
A: The five components of physical fitness are
cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength,
muscular endurance, flexibility and body composition,
according to Fit Day.