False Because some States provide their own Occupational Health and Safety programs which could be more strict or apply stronger regulations to companies with employees. Good example is Cal OSHA which is the state OSH of California.
A fertilized egg implants into the uterus
Type AB positive blood is the universal acceptor because it has both A and B antigen.
O- their RBCs do not have any A, B or Rh antigens and are safe for the transfusion to any blood group. O- and AB+ are known as universal donors and universal acceptors.
E. Human Capital
Human capital is a unique capital, which is the sum of knowledge, intangible assets, health, personality qualities, skills and experience of an employee that can be of economic value both to an individual and their employer.
Providing benefits that are appealing to employees is a form of investment on employees as human capital, which can increase productivity of employees, thereby creating value for the organization.