B -both covered by intellectual property protections.
Spiral of silence
The spiral of silence theory states that people remain silent regarding a topic when they feel that their views are in opposition with the rest of the majority.
As stated in the question, the newspaper's stories suggest that majority of the people support cutting taxes, this leads people who supoort raising taxes to not air their opinions because they think that everyone else supports cutting taxes like the papers say.
hope it helps PLZ MARK ME BRAINLIEST,,!
They stabilize your grpahic image.
La unidad de medida de energía oficial es el Joule (J). El kilovatio / hora (kWh), utilizado especialmente para la energía eléctrica, debe figurar entre las unidades más comunes de medición de energía (de hecho, se utiliza para calcular las facturas de electricidad). Entonces es B.
This code will no get executed properly.It will give keyerror Brianna.
In this dictionary we defined in the code the there is no key Brianna hence there is no corresponding value to Brianna.So assigning ages['Brianna] to value will obviously give error since there exits no key with this name.So the code will give error.