When we're doing scientific research, we should definitely be avoiding any sources which aren't scientific by nature. This means we should avoid sources which haven't been peer reviewed by fellow authors of a similar field. With this, we avoid using literature of questionable quality.
A. disconformity. I hope i helped you.
When it comes to the environment and the oceans ecosystem whales help regulate the flow of food by helping to maintain a stable food chain and ensuring that certain animal species do not overpopulate the ocean.
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Streams and small rivers flow together to create river systems. As the weather gets warmer, the snow and ice from the winter melts, which makes the water flow down the stream and into the larger river system. ... This can result in flooding due to more water draining in than being lost to evaporation.
Genes are located on chromosomes, which are large pieces of DNA contained in a eukaryotic cell's nucleus.