The geographic location of New Orleans made it, along with Savannah, an ideal center of the slave trade in the United States.
New Orleans sits on the Mississippi on the Gulf of Mexico. As a result, ships carrying slaves could go from anywhere in the world and have access to the river systems of middle America where slaves were being used.
um id say if u want it to be
but then no bc it isnt who you are now and makes u seem young
Exemple :
Où sont nés tes grands-parents?
Mes grands-parents sont nés en à Paris, en France.
- Où est-ce qu'ils se sont rencontrés?
Ils se sont rencontrés chez des amis.
Quand est-ce qu'ils se sont mariés?
Ils se sont mariés le 22 décembre 1964.
Combien d'enfants est-ce qu'ils ont eus?
Ils ont eut trois enfants.
Et maintenant, qu'est-ce qu'ils font?
Maintenant, ils ne travaillent plus, ils sont en retraite.
Political landscape of Europe changed considerably in the 19th century. In the earlier part of the 19th century countries were protecting their borders. A lot of new revolutions took place.
Nations were strengthening, growing economically and in size. Whereas, latter part of the 19th century was consumed by clearing the mess of war. Industrialization was at its peak. The world entered a new age and realizations.
Political landscape of Europe changed drastically in the 19th century. Germany became allies with Italian nations.
The industrial revolution had taken place in the earlier parts of the 19th century but at the end of it, nations were completely industrialized. New forms of states were formed and new forms of military and diplomatic alignment was seen.