The parents love laxmi, if this many words taken out for the active voice isn't sustainable, and you only need to know how to do an active's simply the passive voice in reverse. So for an active voice it would be the doer of the action, followed by the action, to the receiver of the action
Here, Hamlet is using a metaphor. Metaphors compare two things, yet differ from similes in that they don't use "like" or "as." He is comparing Denmark to a prison, meaning that he feels that the city is confining and bleak.
hearing and speaking good luck with the answer
In a newspaper, issues in a community would be found in:
• editorials
• columns
• letters to the editor
If I remember correctly, the resolution to the conflict in "Homesick" is D) Jean finds a way to feel as though she fits in, in China, without sacrificing her American identity.