The answer to this question is C
Answer:quantitative data has more
Chlamydia trachomatis is that the most typical bacterial sexually transmitted infection worldwide, and girls carry the foremost burden of the disease.
<h2>Further Explanation
C. trachomatis is that the first chlamydial agent found within the bod. This bacterium was first identified in 1907.
Chlamydia trachomatis infection often causes no symptoms and is extremely risky if it occurs in mothers because it can cause metacyesis, infertility, and abortion. WHO estimates that 4 million new cases in mothers infected by C. trachomatis and 50,000 of them experience intertility, metacyesis, and abortion. The mechanism of occurrence of C. trachomatis infection has been studied by many researchers, where MOMP (Major Outr Membrane Protein) is a crucial target for preventing host immune responses, like neuralizing factors and T cells. supported the presence of nucleotide variations from MOMP within the Omp-1 gene and Inhibition of the immunologic response can cause hosts to be exposed to C. trachomatis. Each of the nucleotide variations shows a discount in specific favorite immunity in selecting the immune from the host.
These women are a possible source of infection to their partners. It causes urethritis in men and mucopurulent cervicitis, urethritis, and endometritis in women. Mucopurulent cervicitis can result in a minimum of three forms of complications ascending the intraluminal spread of organisms from the cervix producing pelvic disease (PID).
Learn more
Chlamydia trachomatis
Grade: College
Subject: Social Studies
keywords: immunologic, cervictis, urethritis, endometritis.
social learning
Social learning is perhaps the best way to effectively learn simply by observing other people and noticing their experiences. Since we can see consequences of behaviours it tends to teach us important lessons in life.
Another way is when children are growing they start to imitate and learn by observing others, then model a role. This enables them to gather an amazing amount of information present in the environment in a very short time-lapse. Also, the evolutionists believe that humans have evolved in part because we can learn socially and culturally, making thing from the past still be present today since we first adapted to Earth.
No party wins the votes of all the voters of a caste or community. When people say the caste is a ‘vote bank’ of one party, it usually, means that a large proportion of voters from that caste vote for that, party.
no Parliamentary Constituency in the country has a clear majority of one single caste. So, every candidate and party needs to win the confidence of more than one caste and community to win elections.