Both C and D
Anorexics don't want to be fat so they take an excessive amount of laxitives and diet pills. That is answer C.
But they also look like skeletons so they hide under bulky clothing so there is your extreme weight loss, over-exercising and they obsess over food consumed. They play with their food on the plate rather than eat it. Look up Karen Carpenter. She was a very successful singer but suffered from anorexia and died from it. She had it all and still thought she was too fat. She hid under bulky clothing and played with her food rather than eat it.
1. Identify activities that a 24 year old female can do to improve cardio respiratory function.
- The basic soccer endurance exercises that she can do are: running, interval training, squats and lunges.
Running is very important because it is essentially what a player does 90% of the game and it also helps breathing and blood circulation. Interval exercises on the other hand is the transition from moderately paced exercise to fast paced exercise. The basic example for this is the quick transition from slow jogging to sprinting in a period of time. Lastly, squats and lunges are important to build and tone the muscles in the thighs and legs which is necessary to be effective in kicking the ball around the field.
2. How long should these activities last?
-Running could last up to 60 minutes daily. The important thing is to pace yourself slowly at first and then gradually building up your speed so that your body can get accustomed to it.
Interval exercises can last up to 30 minutes. For example 30 seconds of slow jogging then 15 seconds of sprinting then rest for 30 seconds. Resume this cycle for 30 minutes.
Squats and Lunges are usually done at the end of the training at cool down in order for your leg muscles to relax and prevent sprains and painful stretches. Do each exercise observing proper form and posture for at least 1 minute each.
3. What specific heart rate range should be maintained during her workouts to achieve cardio respiratory benefits?
- For a normal 24 year old female, the ideal heart rate range to maintain is 60-100 beats per minute. When you experience difficulty in breathing, dizziness and fatigue, take a rest n between exercises.
One should have the right tool in teaching.As one select a tool to know if it is formal or informal it will help someone to direct one's assessment toward children's interests. Hope this is the right answer and would be of help.
A. exercises in which a force acts against muscles.
Resistance exercise is any form of exercise that forces your skeletal muscles (not the involuntary muscles of your heart, lungs, etc.) to contract
Alright, so you probably pulled a muscle or vein. But it does take A WHILE to heal. This has happened to me last year and this year. You just have to wait about 3 days. I will message you to see if I've found any information that can help you out.