The correct answer is "learning".
The Social Learning Theory is an idea of acquiring information and social conduct, which proposes that new conduct may be acquired through watching and imitating others. It states that getting to know is a cognitive process that takes vicinity in a social context and may arise in basic terms by observation or direct guidance, even inside the absence of motor replica or direct reinforcement.
You can do fund raisers with many people to praticeppate in , you can learn from your elders, you can teach or read to the little kids in the community, and make cookies for your neaghbors.
From these beginnings, cuneiform signs were put together and developed to represent sounds, so they could be used to record spoken language. Once this was achieved, ideas and concepts could be expressed and communicated in writing. Cuneiform is one of the oldest forms of writing known.
D) All of the above
This theory was created by the Austrian School in order to explain and understand the market growth based on the credit increase proposed by bank institutions (a central bank). In other words, this theory arguments that the economic cycles, especially financial crisis and recession, are caused by the "creation" of the money. How this money will be used and the result of this application is the central concern of this theory.
Modeling is the answer youre looking for.