The problems or risk when using a WiFi is that, hackers often have the ability to position themselves between the user and the end point connection. and once these hackers gains access to your information and privacy, u might lose important documents or contents.
It is of utmost importance that when an end user is using a public WiFi as a WAN, he/she must ensure to browse with VPN turned on, and the sharing options turned off.
One of the biggest risk with public WiFi is the ability or capacity for hackers to position themselves between you (user) and the point of connection. so instead of communicating directly with the hotpot, at several times you end up sending your information to the hacker.
The hacker also have access or privileges to every information you send out such as credit card information, emails and so on. once the hacker gains access to that information, you run into trouble.
As an end user when making use of public WiFi to ensure to browse with VPN (Virtual private Network) on and turned off sharing options
Both mathematics and computer science use variables and logic in order to analyze, explain, and model real-world problems. Also mathematics is a very important part of computer science as the logic and algorithms in computer science require mathematics in order to device systems to solve these problems. For example, data structures in computer science require lots of linear algebra in order to traverse large data collections efficiently, while Artificial Intelligence would need calculus and linear algebra in order for it to be efficient.
Big difference
Loops allow you to execute code multiple times while a condition is true
Functions allow you to “call” a snippet of code whenever you want, and you can pass it arguments that could affect the data it returns
Advantages of hardware:
Physical existence
Costly as different equipment cost differently
Time consuming
requires space
Privacy issues
Advantages of Software:
Less costly
Improved privacy controls
Requires no space
Does not have physical existence
hacking and cyber attacks may steal important information
Regular updates required