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The application of biotechnology in agriculture has resulted in benefits to farmers, producers, and consumers. Biotechnology has helped to make both insect pest control and weed management safer and easier while safeguarding crops against disease.
The direct conversion of mesenchymal tissue into bone is called i<u><em>ntramembranous ossification</em></u> .The process by which a cartilage intermediate is formed and replaced by bone cells is called <em>endochondral osssification.</em>
Intramembranous ossification is one of the two essential process during the fetal development of the gnathosome skeltal system by which rudimentary bone tissue is created. It is the process of bone development from fibrous membranes. It is involved in the formation of the flat bones of the skull, mandible and the clavicle. This type of ossification also helps in healing of bone fractures.
Endochondral Osssification: Method of forming a bone through cartilage intermediate. It is also involved in the formation of long bones.
A polar molecule simply means the charges are not exactly even throughout the molecule. Some parts are slightly negative (outside the oxygen), and some parts are slightly positive (outside the hydrogen atoms). Water is polar because the highly electronegative oxygen atom attracts electrons to it, making the region around the oxygen more negative than the areas around the two hydrogen atoms. This concept is important to understand how water bonds.
Commercial potential of biotechnology is immense since the scope of its activity covers the entire spectrum of human life. The most potent biotechnological approach is the transfer of specifically constructed gene assemblies through various techniques. However, this deliberate modification and the resulting entities thereof have become the bone of contention all over the world. Benefits aside, genetically modified organisms (GMOs) have always been considered a threat to environment and human health. In view of this, it has been considered necessary by biosafety regulations of individual countries to test the feasibility of GMOs in contained and controlled environments for any potential risks they may pose. This paper describes the various aspects of risk, its assessment, and management which are imperative in decision making regarding the safe use of GMOs. Efficient efforts are necessary for implementation of regulations. Importance of the risk assessment, management, and precautionary approach in environmental agreements and activism is also discussed.