The - <em>definite article</em>
Storm - <em>noun</em>
Remains -<em> verb</em> (to remain means to<em> stay</em> in the same manner or in the same condition; continue to exist. But it is formal). The storm <em>continues being</em> a threat to the coastal village.
A -<em> indefinite article</em>
Threat -<em> noun</em>
To -<em> preposition</em>
The - <em>definite article</em>
Coastal - <em>adjective</em>
Village - <em>noun.</em>
The best thing to do is to use transitions. But you did not give any of the following
onomatopoeia: the formation of a word from a sound associated with what is named
C. I think but if you think that one is ring than it is a.