many medical researches require use of nonhuman animals. tis especially true 4 early researches when there are many unknowns n dangers 2 the test subjects. those cannot be done on human for safety reasons.
there are research guidelines on treatment of research animals. in general, a minimum number of animals should be used. they should be treated humanely n kept in a healthy environment. at the end, once the experiments are completed, they should be either retired or terminated in a painless manner.
Many researches require use of animals because those could not be done on human. To protect the animals used in such research, there are very strict guidelines. A quick search online shows published documents from American Psychological Association, National Institute of Health and other agencies advising on the topic. Researchers must follow such guidelines when they use animals for their researches.
A psychological assessment can include numerous components and in psychological tests a person's responses are evaluated according to carefully prescribed guidelines