All you need is to locate an artery. theres one by your neck, on the the far sides of your wrists, between your thighs, or you could just feel your own heart.
Meiosis in reproductive organs (testes and ovary) produce gametes. Each human cell including reproductive cells contains 23 pair of chromosomes. Meiosis separates the two chromosomes from each pair thus, each gamete receives only one copy of each chromosome. Therefore, each gamete has 23 new chromosomes, one from each of the 23 pairs. During meiosis, exchange of chromosome segment between copies of a pair of chromosomes. The exchange of chromosome segments creates new combinations of genes which enhances genetic variability within a species.
Answer: Young children
Explanation: Resistance to food borne illnesses develops through exposure to small amounts of food borne pathogens. The longer the exposure, the greater the buildup of immunity. Young children are more likely to succumb to food borne illnesses due to lack of exposure to pathogens, and resultant lack of resistance to them.
Allosteric inhibition can be reversed.
The allosteric inhibitor binds to a site distinct from the active site resulting in decreased affinity of the enzyme for the substrate.
Allosteric inhibition can be irreversible
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