1 is neither prime nor a composite number because it only has 1 divisor, 1 and 1, and it doesn't have more than 2 integral divisors, like stated, it only has 1. So it falls in neither category.
The probability of people having brown eyes is 0.7*12=8.4, thus approximately 8-9 people out of the twelve will most likely have brown eyes. You haven't stated what you are trying to find out, but I'm assuming you are looking for this answer.
≥ and ≤ will both be solid dots, as it includes the number
x ≥ -7 is everything greater than -7; x ≤ 4 is everything less than 4.
to include both, you'd click -7, drag right, and stop at 4
The answer is b, tell me if you don't understand.
The Hundredths place because 2 is in the thousandths place. 5 or more change the score, 4 or less let it rest. 8 remained the same because 2 is less than 4.