Answer: Generalized anxiety
Generalized anxiety disorder(GAD) is defined as as the condition in which person tends to face anxiety and stress due to continuous worrying and tension regarding different subjects.They show over-concern about health,family,money, job, society etc.
According to the question, generalized anxiety disorder is the factors that arises due to pressures of poverty and society .It generates extreme anxiety in mind which is difficult to overcome.
the word unity refers who lenses, harony,solidarity and peace where as divers if cation ... hence,unity in diversity means all indigenous living in a country being one,malntaining their respective diversities. unity is based on tolerance of physical,cultural,social aspects
springdale Road America during the Louisiana
Answer: The hardy-weinberg equilibrium is a principle stating that the genetic variation in a population will remain constant from one generation to the next in the absence of disturbing factors.
The integration of new incoming information with knowledge retrieved from long-term memory involves the activity of <u>working memory</u> .
Integration is defined as mixing matters or people collectively that were formerly separated. An instance of integration is whilst the schools were desegregated and there had been now no separate public faculties for African people.
The method of locating integrals is referred to as integration. in conjunction with differentiation, integration is a fundamental, important operation of calculus, and serves as a tool to remedy troubles in arithmetic and physics concerning the area of an arbitrary shape, the period of a curve, and the quantity of a solid, among others.
In real lifestyles, integrations are utilized in diverse fields along with engineering, wherein engineers use integrals to discover the shape of the building. In Physics, used in the center of gravity and many others. within the field of graphical illustration, wherein 3-dimensional models are verified.
Learn more about integration here