Cost price formula = Cost + Profit
The Cost price formulas count two factors the gives price of product and services. The cost price formula has two factors cost of product and profit percentage that seller want to generate from specific product or services.
Basic or elementary business education
The main thing we can do to manage the problem of scarcity is to not overspend.
Scarcity happen when the number of demand in our society heavily outnumber the amount of resources available. By observing our consumption behavior today, we will notice that a lot of people spend money to buy more goods or services that they actually need.
If we control this overspending behavior, not only people who overspend can save some of their money, there will be a lot of goods/services left for other people.
In specifics, it depends on the written up sales contract that the first company arranged with the one that did the work. But personally, I'd blame the second company. Personal opinions don't matter when it comes to legal matters though.. sorry.