The French wanted to control the American Indian trade in the Ohio River Valley and keep the Pennsylvania traders out.
The war started because of conflict between England and France. They both wanted control over the Ohio River Valley. Both sides wanted the valley so they could expand their settlements into the area.
The National Solar Observatory is a public research entity whose mission is to engage in the development of the knowledge of the Sun.
The institution is currently evoked to the construction of the Daniel K Inouye Solar Telescope, which is located on the island of Maui, in the State of Hawaii. The project started in January 2013.
The initial phase of the construction involved the civil works. Specifically the telescope housing, which was completed in September 2013.
The second phase involves the actual installation of the telescope. The first mirror, which has a thickness of 75 mm and a diameter of 12 meters was delivered to the site on August 2, 2017. The process is expected to conclude by early 2019, with the reception and further installation of the second mirror.
idrk tbh but when i think of natural rights im basically thinking of rights in favor of white people. like the fact that the government was very much in favor of white people back then was the reason people became very upset? just an opinion don't know if that helps..
The word “propaganda” has a negative connotation – that is, people tend to use it for practices that they disagree with. It’s typically used to describe things like Communist propaganda or Fascist propaganda. These phrases imply that there’s something dishonest and sinister about propaganda.
THAT was copied and pasted from g0ogle so please re-word it
In the 1700s, James Watt caused a revolution in transportation<em> by improving steam engine technology.</em>
He was a Scottish inventor and mechanical engineer. He made improvements on Thomas Newcomen's steam engine that was patented in 1698 and widely in use at the time of Watt's birth ( 1736).
It all started when Watt was given a model Newcomen engine to repair. He realized it was very inefficient and he began to find ways to improve its performance. He designed a separating condensing chamber for the engine to avoid huge losses of steam. He patented his improvements in 1769.
A unit of measurement of electrical and mechanical power -<em> the watt</em> - is named in his honor.