The testes create sperm that develops in the epididymis, a coiled tube. After $exual contact, they pass via the oviducts and combine with fluids generated by the prostate gland and seminal vesicles. The sperm then proceed down the urethra to the tip of the shaft, where they are discharged into the genital canal of the female. YW:)
The hero of the epic tale The Odyssey forbids his sailors from eating lotus flowers when visiting the African land of the Lotus Eaters. Scholars believe that the lotus flowers contained "narcotic alkaloids"
It was false because the flower was investigated and it was found to contain Apomorphine and not narcotic alkaloids as earlier speculated by scholars.
The multimedia ad from the Centers for Disease Control's advertising campaign for the flu vaccine includes image and text.
It does not include animation since the image or photograph is moving, it doesn't include a graph or chart since it is not discussing or promoting statistics.