B. recognizing that there is a problem or opportunity.
Being cheap in front of superiors it is very common in local managers. Mostly managers who are greedy to be ranked higher or get promoted. They think when they will obsequious their higher authorities they will be happy to see them and think about their loyalty and they will promote them.
To avoid this kind of behavior companies should appoint only educated and talented persons having self-respect after taking interviews. When a company recruits the managers, it is company duty to train their employees in professional ethics and teach them a proper way of doing a job with self-respect. Higher authorities should demoralize them with this kind of soapy behaviors.
Of the different categories of children found in most classrooms, researchers have come to have the best understanding of the "popular" and "rejected" child.
Popular children get numerous positive and few negative selections. They are all around preferred by others and they are agreeable, amiable, inviting, and touchy to others. Where rejected children get numerous negative and couple of positive designations. They are effectively hated. They display less positive social aptitudes and qualities than do kids in alternate gatherings, and they indicate weaker scholarly and scholarly capacities.
He had helped two African-American students from Atlanta gain entrance into the University of Georgia.