700 people voted at ages 50 to 64
483,391. You can line the, up vertically and then use simple arithmetic and carrying to solve this problem
Since the news outlet posted a poll on its website, it would be biased on the fact that it's on the website. Some people don't read the website, or don't have a computer or internet.
is the sum 78 or 7,878 (i.e. was there a stutter)?
In any event, this sum must be even, so 3 consecutive even integers would be n, n+2 & n+4 whose sum is 3n + 6.
Set that to either 78 or 7878, whichever is intended, & solve for n. If 78 is their grand total, then those 3 consecutive even numbers have to be 24, 26 & 28.
No stress! Just logic! Keep the faith!
Step-by-step explanation: