There are only two surviving documents that reference the original Thanksgiving harvest meal. They describe a feast of freshly killed deer, assorted wildfowl, a bounty of cod and bass, and flint, a native variety of corn harvested by the Native Americans, which was eaten as corn bread and porridge
Answer: The Four Books and Five Classics were perhaps the most influential written works in Ancient Chinese history. They outlined the philosophies and ideas of Confucianism. Knowledge of these works was very important in order to pass the civil service exams.
The Peqout war was triggered by a dispute between English and Dutch traders over control of the fur trade. The Peqout tribe allied themselves with the Dutch and the Mohegen tribe were allied with the English. The result of the war was that the English came to dominate the fur trade in the region, and Peqot tribe was almost annihilated with most of its people either killed or captured and sold into slavery.
During the Age of Exploration, both the Spanish and the French sponsored groups and sailors who would set out on missions to explore new land. The purpose of this was mostly to find gold and other goods.