The stem of the plant should be cut at least three to four inches above the surface level.
The glass capillary should be tightly fixed with the stem.
The initial water level and the final water level should be carefully noted.
The droplets on the leaves should be observed and conclude that these drops are not from transpiration.
The plateau region has endemic population of species and the change in the ecology impacts the climate and wildlife of the area.
- The Edwards plateau is located in the south, central and western taxes. It bounded by faults and uplands. It has a base made of limestone.
- The plateau is home to various diverse species of plants and animals. The plateau region consists of 41 counties in geographic regions. Currently, about 2.26% of the land area is under protection as this region has experienced habitat loss of 5.3%.
Both gymnosperms and angiosperms have vascular tissue that is specialized for transport of minerals, water, and organic compounds. Also, both gymnosperms and angiosperms have seeds. The only difference is that angiosperms have seeds hidden in the ovary while gymnosperms have seed on the surface of the scales of the cones.
The process which must occur when intending to work with research animals that are covered by the U.S federal regulations is ethical review and approval
Some animals had been threatened of extinction due to inconsiderate usage and killings due to either commercial, food, or research purpose. The U.S government, therefore, to prevent the extinction of such animals, formulated a law to restrict the engagement of these animals, even in research if the research will involve the slaughtering, injuring, or alter the physiological functions of the subject animals. Therefore, there has been needing to undergo a compulsory ethical review process when planning to undertake research. This process will objectively review the aims and objectives of the intended research, the methodology involved in achieving the aim, as stated in the research proposal. The importance of this review is to determine if the research will have deleterious effects on the animals, both spontaneously and in the future.