The following is missing for the question to be complete:
Selective expectation
Selective memory
Active listening
Answer: Selective expectation
Explanation: Selective expectation refers to the psychological cognitive bias that makes one perceive what they want or think they need to perceive. In other words, what someone expects to be the outcome of his action, such as Eric, affects his perception of Sara. This means that what Eric biases to happen if he wants to talk to Sara about his problems and difficulties in the workplace, determines his perception of Sara, meaning in Eric's opinion that Sara won't want or have the time to listen to him. However, apart from the biased expectation of determining someone's, say Eric's, observations, they are influenced by the degree to which something stands out. If Sara is often unable to deal with employees' problems because of a job that works, then it is visible and highlighted as something that will determine one's, Eric's, perception of her more often as a manager who is uninterested in employee problems, than a manager is stuck business.
Perhaps, if Eric would approach his problems decisively and eloquently, and without any expectation in advance, but only with a determined attitude to present his problems, Sara as a top manager would probably listen to him.
Answer: A higher budget for the military
The annual cost of housing a prisoner is so high.
In United States, incarceration is considered as one of the important forms of punishment given to the criminals. It is also taken as rehabilitation of the prisoners of felony and the other offences.
Incarceration is that state of keeping the offenders confined or imprisoned in houses and other detention centers.
Presently. United States have the highest rate of incarceration per capita in the world. And one of the major problems that US faces is that the housing or keeping the prisoner in detention houses is very costly and US have to spend huge amount of money on it.
The Supreme Court ruling on Plessy v. Ferguson in 1896 established the "separate but equal" doctrine in the United States public education system.
The case was based on an incident 1892 where Plessy violated the rule by entering the same train cart with whites which was illegal as at then in the state of New Orleans according to the Separate Car Act of 1890. He was charged and his defense was that the segregation of blacks from using the same train car with blacks was a violation of the United States constitution and lost the case. He appealed to the United States Supreme Court and also lost. The Supreme Court ruled that although the Fourteenth Amendment to the constitution establishes both whites and blacks as equal, it could not eliminate other social classifications based on race.
Yes it was is a cultural diffusion. It's origin was in the mid ninteenth century