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Answer: True
An ethical dilemma is a question that involves choosing between different moral principles, neither one of which is objectively better. Often, picking one of the options means you are transgressing the other one.
Because it is a difficult situation with no objectively better answer, the help of a person with more experience, in this case your superior, can sometimes be useful. Moreover, there are often regulations at work that help employees navigate these type of situations in a successful way. Finally, ethical dilemmas are particularly difficult to resolve and deal with, and asking for help will always help assert the validity of your claim.
Technology dependence has been linked to anxiety and depression. Whether this comes from the fact that we are withdrawn from others, the pressures from social media, the rise of cyber bullying, or the bright phone screen that is detrimental to our sleep, all of this is taking a toll on our mental health.
People always love technology without it everything will be so dark
The start of the Cold War and the subsequent Second Red Scare instilled fear and intimidation in American culture, to the point where individuals were afraid to question the assumption that the US was always on the right side of history. This is an form of manipulation which is why I believe American citizens were manipulated by the fear factor presented in Cold War media.
It is when widowed hindu women commit suwed side
acording to internet