Cause you probably have better food then a restaurant
Mine is doing okay now since I am able to get out and have a part time job but I still struggle because am doing school online and don't have any zoom calls. It was really hard for the first 3 months as an only child and I lost phone privalages so I only had one person I talked to outside of my parents and we barely talked and it was all on my moms phone but now that I am able to go and see them it's much better. I hope your's is doing okay!
can you list the options?
1 :an abnormal pouch<span> or sac opening from a </span>hollow organ<span> (as the colon or bladder)
2 :a blind tube or sac </span>branching<span> off from a cavity or canal of the body. the liver is an anterior diverticulum of the intestine.</span>