Measures the value that a buyer places on a good
D. foreign real national income falls and wages rates rise.
increase their savings
Saving is the action of putting aside a portion of income in a safe place instead of spending. It is a technique that firms and individuals use to achieve their financial objectives. Consistent saving for a duration of time helps accumulates a substantial amount of money that can be used to actualize financial objectives.
While savings is not the financial objective, it is a means to achieve the actual goal. For Example, if one goal is to own a home or a car, they start saving for the down-payment. Saving helps achieve their long term goals.
Planning and Controlling
This is because Planning involves the maintenance and organizational approach of achieving strategic objectives while controlling is the aspect of project which involves systematic effort by business management to compare performance to predetermined standards, plans, or objectives in order to determine whether performance is in line with these standards.