Cory is reluctant to leave her home and attend college despite just being finished with her teenage years. Usually, the people of this age are explorative and are trying to find their identity in the world separately, but Cory seems to stay isolated even from Mike, which indicates that she might be going through the stage of stress. Stress makes a person to avoid any kind of interaction with other people and inhibits the urge to explore the life outside one's comfort zone. So, Cory is going through the stress stage.
B. bacteria has a negative image in our world.... people forget that there is good bacteria in the body that helps break down callulose in some animals' digestive system and helps to fight infectious diseases
Is there supposed to be a picture for this?
allele - different forms or versions of genes
chromosomes - structures that carry genetic information (passed from biological parents to offspring)
homologous - similar in structure
locus - a particular site or location
Calcium is few of the main sources for healthy bones, teeth, and muscles.