Cancer registrars<span> are data information specialists that capture a complete history, diagnosis, treatment, and health status for every </span>cancer<span> patient in the U.S.
I agree with the answer above and would like to add on to it. When looking at nutrition labels you should be looking at what ingredients was used to make the food, including the chemical compositions. For an example, some people are allergic to peanut butter, therefore it is their responsibility to check the label so that they know what company made it and the ingredients. Also remember to check the expiring date :D
High risk groups:
Students who stay up late at night (7/10)
Students who are extremely stressed (8/10)
Students who are party goers (risk factor 9/10)
Students who are already addicted to alcohol before enrolment (9/10)
Switching to alternatives:
Offering counselling sessions where students can gather, cry out and discuss together for emotional support
Promoting healthier and affordable drink options on campus
Promoting exercise rooms
Allowing emotional support animals for individuals
Restricting parties and setting rule limit.
The manager or highest position person present at the time of this event.
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I dont know but it may be urinary system as you need liquid to urinate so that propably includes kidny i am assuming and if you dont get water or get dehydratd and can cuase serous kidney issues thats why i think it is urinary system