Iherited defective genes, because its the closest to uncontrolled cell division and that can be inherited and its a defect.
18.5 to 25 is the normal body fat.
Hurricane: Before the storm you can pick up all your lawn furniture or toys you have in the yard so they do not fly and hurt someone. During the storm you can stay indoors. After the storm only go out if you are aloud too and wear shoes so you do not step on anything that can cut you.
Epidemiological study.
Epidemiology study is the study of diseases, conducted among populations of humans. Such a study highlights HOW the diseases happen, WHEN the diseases occur and WHERE the diseases occur.
The information gathered is necessary to strategize on how to stop the spread of the diseases, to prevent ailment and also as a guide to the care of the patients.
Epidemiologists also attempt to determine what factors are associated with diseases (risk factors), and what factors may protect people or animals against disease (protective factors).