Monsoon climate is generally great for rice farming, but monsoon floods can cause devastating landslides and floods.
A cladogram is similar to Family Tree
A cladogram and a family tree both show relationships between common ancestors. It shows the relationship the organism but it is not same as evolutionary or family tree because it doesn’t show the relationship with ancestor to their descendent and also it doesn’t show how they changed.
Cladogram is type of diagram based result analysis. Clade is group of organism with their last similar ancestor. A cladogram is represented through lines.
This was answered else where on Brainly, and this is what they said,
"Most proteins in the living organisms are enzymes and they required specific optimum conditions in order to function optimally. Disruption in the homeostasis will leads to deactivation of these proteins. For instance, if the temperature needed for a protein to work optimally has been exceeded, the protein may be denatured and will be unable to perform its needed functions, this may result in several adverse effects in the organism."
A ) if it s dna G with C and A with T so if it s C 32 G its 32 you have only 100% so it should be 100-32-32 =36 A=T so 36=A+T 64=2T T =18
Dendrites is 1
Soma is 2
Nylon sheeth is 3
Node of Ranvier is 4
Synapse is 5