Not really. The similar composition is still different from the chemical weathering, making it not really a reproduction
Our solar system consists of one smallish star (the sun), eight planets, a few billion a astroids and a few more billion comets.
The fossils that provide information on the formation of an oxygen-rich atmosphere are the stromatilites from the Precambrian era. These are layered and columnar fossils consisting mainly of cyanobacteria which were the original life form back then. These bacteria took in carbon dioxide and produced oxygen by photosynthesis as early as 2.5 billion years ago (the earth is about 4.5 billion yrs old).
Vitamin D-- Lack of sunlight--Brittle bones(rickets)
Iron ---- Lack of sunlight, fish and eggs --- Anaemia
1. Many vertebrates have teeth, and chewing (mastication) breaks up food into small particles, expanding its surface and mixes it with fluid secretions, which makes it possible to digest. Teeth are located in the mouth of animals, where the digestive process initiates.
2. The stomach, which resembles a bag-like shape, can either fold up when empty and expand like a balloon when it fills up with food. By doing this, the area of activity of the gastric juice is expanded, increasing the efficiency of the digestion. Food enters the stomach from the esophagus.
3. The villi and microvilli present in the epithelial wall of the small intestine, are fingerlike projections that greatly enhance the surface area of the small intestine. In humans, this surface area is 300 square meters and it is over this large surface that the products of digestion are absorbed.