When the skin is exposed to ultraviolet rays, the skin produces a molecule that is turned into Vitamin D.
Sun is the source of ultraviolet rays important for Vitamin D production. Due to this reason, in the case of Vitamin D deficiency, it is recommended by doctor's to absorb sunlight by skin. The Vitamin D production occurs specifically by UV B rays rays which lie in the range of 290-315 nanometer.
The chemical 7-dehydrocholesterol absorbs these rays and convert to previtamin D3. Further, previtamin D3 isomerizes to Vitamin D. Other than sunlight, Vitamin D can be taken through diet. The sources include seafood like fish, fish oil, dairy products, beef liver etc. Vitamin D is required for bone and teeth formation, muscle contraction, immune system etc.
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Wear a hat, long sleeve shirts, and long pants to cover the skin.
Wear sunscreen when in the sun.
Avoid being exposed to the sun without some type of protection.
D body mass index as measures the amount of fat on your body.
The 20 minute physical activity I performed was doing yardwork. It was fairly easy to do, besides a lot of bending down involved to pick up sticks. I did it in my front and backyard for a bit over 20 minutes, and no one did it with me.