C - Mexico granted its norhter terrorities to the US. The US terrority now reached all the way to the Pacific Ocean in the west.
The Mexican American war resulted in the Treaty of Guadalupe and gave the US sovereignty over Texas and western terrorities.
The two biggest cities of Indus valley civilization were Mohenjo Daro and Harappa. People lived in stone houses that were 2-3 stories high and all of them had sewage systems. The system was built with mud bricks and ran under the street. The city of Mohenjo Daro had 3,500 people.
Make mine the Brainliest
It is the very thing that glues together your intent to research in the first place. It requires specificity and should be a problem that can create measurable evidence based results/ research
black death was a catastrophic event in Europe's history.It had both devastating immediate effects and deep long term consequences.