It was that "Flat land with poor drainage led to salinization from irrigation waters," that was a factor in the decline of Sumer, since this led to a build up of salt in the soil, which greatly reduced agricultural output.
The answer would be flexible in the missing blank.
In the biblical Book of Genesis, chapter 1, it states that God divided the night from the day and saw that it was good. If one accepts God's role in creating day and night then the Sumerians finished the job and, if one does not, it was not God who divided night and day – it was the Sumerians.
<span>Based on my research, Aristotle believes that his "Prime Mover" is God. He believed that everything that has happened, every "cause", had to have a cause before it. Something had to cause the first cause. However, the first cause can not be in the same formula or be part of the same equation. The rules of the first cause can not applied to the "causer" of the first cause. God has no beginning or end so time doesn't apply to God.</span>
By building teepees that suited their surrounding environment