Mainly, the number of genes that control traits.
Polygenic inheritance does not follow Mendel's law of dominance. According to Mendel the dominant trait will mask the recessive trait however, this is not always the case. Polygenic inheritance states that traits are controlled by two or more genes and is also dependent on the environment.
Let's take skin color for example. A fair-skinned person will have a child with a dark-skinned person.
Mendelian inheritance would assume that the offspring would either be fair or dark only.
Polygenic inheritance would assume that the offspring would be either fair, dark, or a tone in between, depending on the environment they are in as well.
Hope you understood it.
The owls are preying on their food, which is an example of the ecological relationship of predation in which the predator, the owl, eats the prey, the food options.
Can you list the answer choices?
Answer: C. Histologist
A cell biologist refers to a person who studies cells and their functions and their interactions with the biological organisms.
A taxonomist refers to a biologist who classifies organisms into their categories.
A histologist, can also be called a histotechnician, and this is someone who prepares tissue samples for the pathologist to study. A histologist cut samples from organs which are used for microscopic tissue analysis.
Palaeontologist is a person who studies fossils in order to get information regarding life on Earth.