This might help.
D. a foreign policy stance that espouses a unilateral approach to protecting the best interests of the United States.
This sort of policy agenda was part of the "neoconservative" view of a number of President George W. Bush's advisers -- especially some who had also served in the administration of his father, President George H.W. Bush. In the wake of the 9/11 attacks, there was a desire to push American values and not be shy about doing so with the use of American military might. Sometimes referred to as the "Bush Doctrine," the core ideas were that the United States could pursue this goals on its own (without need for United Nations partnerships), that preemptive strikes were allowable against countries that harbored terrorists, and that regime change for the sake of promoting democracy was a good strategy.
Standard Oil gained a monopoly in the oil industry by buying rival refineries and developing companies for distributing and marketing its products around the globe. In 1882, these various companies were combined into the Standard Oil Trust, which would control some 90 percent of the nation's refineries and pipelines.
What si your point these men are great buisinessmen
True, it actually is higher.