The right answer is false.
Lobotomy is a brain operation that cuts or alters the white matter of a brain lobe. It is now banned in many countries and is no longer considered a good practice in today's medicine.
The lobotomy was performed in psychosurgery with the aim of interrupting certain neural circuits to treat mental illnesses, schizophrenia, epilepsy and even chronic headaches before declining in the 1950s with the advent of the first neuroleptics.
The insecticide must have contain strong, active chemicals that are poisonous and harmful to owls which resulted in their demise while on the other hand, grass hopper or mice may be resistant/ or tolerant to that chemicals that's why it don't have effect on them.
Earth is a beautiful planet that revolves around a star called Sun, which is located in one of the arms of our Milky Way Galaxy. It is the only planet known to support life in the Solar System. Humans are the most intelligent civilization on this planet. It's blue when seen from space. Recently, Earth 29 spacecraft was able to land on this planet, after 28 unsuccessful landings of Earth series of spacecrafts. We were able to learn many things about humans, most important of these was the most spoken language of them, which they call English. According to experts, humans are not yet ready to know about our existence. It can take about 1 or 2 more centuries, until they are ready to know about us.
<h2>B) option is correct </h2>
Natural selection is a selection pressure which operates in a population and allow the best fitted genotype to survive in changing environmental conditions and eliminate the other genotype which are not fit
In artificial selection, breeders select superior breed for the breeding purpose so that this type of selection favors the superior genotype and eliminates inferior genotype, thus leading to genetic drift
Stabilizing selection is a type of natural selection in which intermediate genotype is favored but extreme genotypes (inferior and superior) are eliminated
In the given example of pigmentation in pigeons, breeding is selectively done with intermediate pigmentation hence intermediate genotypes will be favored