Answer: Bull's genotype: RW
Cow's genotype: WW
50% are roan color
50% are white color
A cross between a heterozygous roan bull (RW) and a homozygous white cow (WW), will yield 50% roan and 50% white offsprings.
See the attached punnet square for illustration
the job or role of the organism in a community is its niche
The International System of Units
(SI, abbreviated from the French Système international (d'unités)) is the modern form of the metric system. It is the only system of measurement with an official status in nearly every country in the world.
The correct answer is "low concentration of oxygen".
One of the key characteristic of aquatic dead zones is its low concentration of oxygen. Aquatic dead zones are classified into this category for being hypoxic, condition that do not support the growth of most marine life. Most aquatic dead zones are in these conditions because of a high content of nutrient pollution caused by human activities.