The boom of online courses, where anyone can learn from the comfort of one’s own home or office at their own chosen time is the main cause. When online courses made their foray a decade ago, the same question of technology replacing teachers in schools emerged as a major argument. However, if we ask you today whether calculators can replace mathematics teachers at school, what would you say? Sounds weird, right! Do you think calculators which are also a kind of a technological advancement only, are capable enough of themselves, so as to replace the teachers? The answer is obvious. It’s an obvious No!
See explaination
def sum_lengths(value_list):
total = 0
for x in value_list:
if (type(x)==int) or (type(x)==float):
total += x
return total
Create a validation rule using ISPICKVAL()
This can be achieved by creating a a validation rule using ISPICKVAL()
Create a Validation Rule Based on a Pick list
: The ISPICKVAL() are very important for creating validation rules that check whether a definite pick list value is chosen. for instance, say you want another person to enter a reason when they change a case's Status pick list value to increase.
Speedtest . net is the most used one.