Congress can override a veto by passing the act by a two-thirds vote in both the House and the Senate. (Usually an act is passed with a simple majority.) This check prevents the President from blocking an act when significant support for it exists.
Peloponnesus this is the answer if it wasnt in the south it would be Sparta but in the south this is the answer peloponnesus
d is the answer youre looking for .5x.5= one fourth
Answer: Within the next month you should start to feel fluttering sensations.
Explanation: Maternal perception of fetal movement usually begins 16 to 20 weeks after conception. The earliest reported perception of fetal movements is 7 weeks and the latest is 30 weeks with an average of 19 weeks. Fetal movement should be felt by 16 to 20 weeks. If movement is not felt by the end of that time, then further assessment is necessary.